Monday, August 31, 2009

no new shoes, just NEWS!

I'm really excited about writing this because something I've wanted to do for a long time is finally happening!

Most people who know me know that about a year and a half ago, on January 11, 2008, my best friend Corbin Blackford took his own life.  I could write for pages and pages about what an awesome, incomparable person he was, and how much of a good friend he was to me.  The words I would put down though would still never fully explain how much I cared about him, and how much of an impact his friendship, and death, would make on my life.  

I've wanted to do something since then to prevent other families and friends from going through what we all went through when Corbin died.  The Kristin Brooks Hope Center was born out of this same pain, and there is no better suicide resource to devote any time, energy, or money to other than the Hope Center and their national suicide prevention phone line, Hopeline (, 1-800-SUICIDE).  

SO, I'm planning on donating a percentage of the profit of each pair of shoes I sell to the Kristin Brooks Hope Center.  The work this non-profit organization does hits me to the core, as I'm sure it does any other suicide survivor.  I'll update the blog once the contract and legalities have been sorted out with details, more information, etc.

Buy some shoes!  Do it for Corbin, do it for me, do it for anyone who has ever lost someone because of depression and suicide.




  1. I think what you are doing is a very heart felt outreach to those in need. You seem to be a young woman with her head and heart in the right place with a passion for art! You take the ordinary and make it into something special.

    Never forget that YOU have the power in yourself to turn anything or any situation into something special. Make the most of everything and remember the people that mean the most to you... and tell them they do!

    Susan Flinchum

  2. Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life!
